Peace-building and hospitality?

What does hospitality have to do with peace-building?
Hospitality and peace-building are not often put together in the same sentence, but perhaps they should be more often. Hospitality is the relationship between people (often a ‘guest’ and a ‘host’) which includes a reception and welcome of guest, visitor or even stranger. But hospitality is more than just ‘hosting’ someone. Hospitality involves showing respect for the guest, providing for their needs and treating them as equals. 
Think of a time when you’ve been shown hospitality. What did it feel like? What specific things did the person extending hospitality do to make you feel welcome?  What didn’t they do? How did the hospitality you received help you to feel welcome?

How might hospitality be a key component to building-peace? 

Where there is hospitality it is difficult to find hostility. In the midst of difference, or even disagreement, hospitality might be extended as a way of making connection with ‘the other’ and showing respect by welcoming and treating ‘the other’ as an equal.

While it might seem easy to extend hospitality to friends and family, it can be more of a challenge to be hospitable to the ‘strangers’ among us. But hospitality isn’t reserved for the familiar.

What do you think? What does hospitality have to offer peace-building? What does peace-building have to contribute to hospitality? 

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